
VBS in Your Church 

We still have a couple of openings for the VBS summer intern teams to lead VBS in small congregations. It’s not too late to apply!

The deadline for churches to apply is March 1.

For more information and the application, go to:

Or, contact Micki McCorkle for more information,

Lenten Prayer Calendar

A spiritual formation resource has been created for small congregations to use during Lent. It can be downloaded from the Conference website; or contact Micki McCorkle and she can email it to you.

Lent for Children

This website has a great list of things to do with children to help them understand and mark the days of Lent. Though the writer is Catholic, there is much there for all Christians!                      

Because It’s Warm Already… 

Creative indoor and outdoor activities for children and tweens can be found at You don’t even have to be a parent to use the site!

Small Groups Key to Congregational Vitality

Sometimes it is difficult to know what resources to choose. There are some good resources by Maxie Dunnam that have stood the test of time. Small Church Ministries invites a group in your congregation to go deeper with Christ by using one of these study books.

  • Workbook of Living Prayer, Maxie Dunnam
  • Workbook on Spiritual Disciplines, Maxie Dunnam
  • Workbook of Intercessory Prayer, Maxie Dunnam
  • Workbook on Abiding in Christ, Maxie Dunnam
  • Workbook on the Christian Walk, Maxie Dunnam
  • Workbook o the 7 Deadly Sins, Maxie Dunnam
  • Workbook on the Beatitudes, Maxie Dunnam

Each issue of the Small Church Newsletter this year will feature some small group studies that enhance our spiritual growth and formation.

Spiritual Gift curriculum options

Spiritual giftedness is a great way to organize folks for ministry and service in the local congregation. When a person is using their spiritual gifts to serve and honor God and build up the people of God, that person is energized to continue to grow and serve!

Online options          

Book options


Discover Your Spiritual Gifts the Network Way: 4 Assessments for Determining Your Spiritual Gifts, by Bruce Bugbee 



Resource for Pastors

Vision Room -

  • This is from Will Mancini, founder of Auxano – a church consulting group. He has written several well-respected books on church growth topics. The consulting group services visioning, discipleship, stewardship and more.
Rev. Micki McCorkle
Small Membership Church Coordinator

9440 E Boston Suite 110
Wichita KS 67207
800-745-2350 or 316-684-0266
Cell: 316-210-3996